Fort Nelson Minor Hockey Association

Constitution & By-Laws



Article #1 – Name


This society shall be known as the Fort Nelson Minor Hockey Association hereinafter referred to as “The Association”.


Article #2 – Purpose of Association


To promote and encourage amateur hockey and to develop the highest possible standard of sportsmanship and citizenship.


To maintain and increase the interest of amateur hockey in this community and to encourage competition and good fellowship not necessarily for the most proficient, but rather for all participants.  


To control and operate minor hockey within facilities provided to the Fort Nelson Minor Hockey Association by the Northern Rockies Regional Municipality Recreation Department in accordance with the user agreement.  


Article #3 – Affiliation


As an unalterable provision of this Constitution, this Association shall as a member of BC Hockey, observe all laws, rules, and regulations by which this Association is governed.  


Article #4 – Non-Profit Association


As an unalterable provision of this Constitution, the purpose of this Association shall be carried out without purpose of gain for its members, and any profits of accretions to the Association shall be used for promoting its purpose.  


Article #5 – Dissolution


As an unalterable provision of this Constitution, in the event of the dissolution of the Association, all funds and assets of the Association remaining after the satisfaction of its debts and liabilities shall be given or transferred to such registered organization / organizations concerned with promotion of sports for the same purpose as may be determined by the members in good standing of the Association.  


Said organization shall be recognized by National Revenue Taxation under the provisions of the Income Tax Act.



Part 1 – Interpretation


In these bylaws, unless the context otherwise requires.


1. “Directors” means the directors of the society for the time being; 2. “Society Act” means the Society Act of the Province of British Columbia from time to time in force and all amendments to it;


3. “registered address” of a member means his address as recorded in the register of members

The definitions in the Society Act on the date these bylaws become effective apply to these bylaws.

Words importing the singular including the plural and vice versa; and words importing a male person include a female person and a corporation.

Part 2 – Membership


A. Ordinary Membership 1. A person shall become an ordinary member of the Association in the manner described in the following: a) Ordinary members are the parents or guardians of the players registered to play hockey with the Association and for whom the prescribed fee has been paid; OR b) An ordinary member is a person who holds a position on the executive or who performs volunteer duties as may be assigned by the executive.  


c) Ordinary members shall be entitled to participate in any distribution of property of the Association.


2. Membership in the Association ceases when: a) Persons who are ordinary members by virtue of the fact that they have a child or children registered to play hockey with the Association, cease to be registered; OR b) Persons who are ordinary members by virtue of the fact outlined in 1. b) above, resign;


c) A member of the association delivers their resignation in writing or e-mail to the secretary and/or the president of the association.  The member may also mail their letter to the mailing address of the association; d) A member is expelled as per #3; e) A member loses their “good standing” due to suspension by either governing body of Hockey Canada or BC Hockey affiliates. 3. An ordinary member ceases to be a member in good standing when the conduct of such a member is considered to be improper, unbecoming, or likely to endanger the welfare, interests, or character of the Association, or when a member willfully commits a breach of the By-laws or rules of the Association.  No member shall be expelled without first having been notified of the charges against him/her, and then given a full opportunity of having been heard by the full executive and Joint Committee at a meeting called for that purpose.  Such notification shall be sufficient if mailed to member’s usual address by registered mail at least ten days prior to meeting.  An ordinary member may be expelled from the Association by a special resolution carried by no less than 75% of the members attending the Annual General Meeting or a special general meeting of the Association.  Every member shall uphold the constitution and comply with these bylaws.   B. Lifetime Membership

Lifetime membership may be bestowed on any member of this Association for distinctive service to the Association for a period of at least five years.  Nominations for life membership shall be submitted to the Executive by any member of the Association, and shall be approved at the Annual General Meeting.  Life members shall have full voting privileges at all general meetings.  


Part 3 – The Directors


A. General 1. The directors may exercise all the powers and do all the acts and things that the society may exercise and do, and which are not by these bylaws or by statute or otherwise lawfully directed or required to be exercised or done by the society in a general meeting, but subject, nevertheless, to: a) All laws affecting the society; b) These bylaws; and


c) Rules, not being inconsistent with these bylaws, which are made from time to time by the society in general meeting.  


2. The directors shall retire from office at each annual general meeting when their successors shall be elected. 3. Separate elections shall be held for each office to be filled.


4. An election may be by acclamation; otherwise it shall be by ballot.


5. The directors may at any time and from time to time appoint a member as a director to fill a vacancy in the directors.   6. A director so appointed holds office only until the conclusion of the next following annual general meeting of the society, but is eligible for re-election at the meeting. 7. If a director resigns his office or otherwise ceases to hold office, the remaining directors shall appoint a member to take the place of the former director OR the vacant position shall be posted and attempts made by the executive to recruit a replacement.  An executive member may be appointed to carry out the duties until the replacement is found.   8. An act or proceeding of the directors is not invalid merely because there are less than the prescribed number of directors in office.   9. No director shall be remunerated for being or actin as a director but a director shall be reimbursed for all expenses necessarily and reasonably incurred by him while engaging in the affairs of the society. 10. The members may, by special resolution, remove a director, before the expiration of his or her term of office, and may elect or appoint a successor to complete the term of office. 11. Prior to start of each season, all positions must be filled. B. Composition

The executive of the Association shall consist of the following:


President Vice​​​​Treasurer

Division Coordinators (7)​​Referee in Chief

Secretary​​​​Publicity Director

Equipment Manager​​​Head Coach

Risk Manager​​​​Gaming Coordinator

Ice Coordinator​​​​Fundraiser

C. Election

The President, Vice President, Division Coordinators (7), Secretary, Publicity Director, Registrar, Treasurer, Referee in Chief, Head Coach, Risk Manager, Gaming Coordinator, Ice Coordinator, Fundraiser, and Equipment Manager of the Associaiton shall be elected at an Annual General Meeting of the Association.  The normal term of office shall be for a period of one year.


D. Duties of the Directors

President – To preside at all meetings and to act as official representative of the Association. To ensure all members of the Executive and committee heads are presented with a copy of duties and responsibilities.  

Vice President –  Shall assume duties allocated to him/her by the President.  In the event the President is absent or should resign or is unable to remain in office for any reason, the Vice President shall assume his/her responsibilities and duties.

Ice Coordinator – Shall be responsible for notifying the Rec Centre at start of yhear of your official status and informing them that ice cancellations and extra ice bookings must come from you directly if they are to be billed to FNMHA.  Attend Ice User meeting each year.  Make out monthly ice schedules and book ice times for tournaments and additional ice times.  

Secretary – Shall keep a full and complete record of all meetings of the Association and all business and correspondence transacted.  The Secretary will ensure that all statements, lists, or other reports are filed as required by British Columbia Societies Act or other regulatory body.  He or she shall turn over all affairs of the Association to his or her successor.  

Registrar – Shall maintain a permanent record of all players and members of the Association.  He or she shall be responsible for the annual registration of playing members with the BC Hockey Association and Mutual aid Fund as required.  

Treasurer – Shall be responsible for all monies handled by the Association.  He or she shall maintain a continuous proper record which at all times must be up to date.  He or she shall prepare financial statement for the Annual General Meeting in accordance with Section 47 of the British Columbia Societies Act.  He or she shall hand over all books, papers, vouchers and monies to his/her successor, including all electronic files belonging to the association.  

Referee in Chief – Shall be responsible for obtaining referees and linesmen for all hockey games played under the jurisdiction of this Association.  He or she shall ensure that a high standard of officiating is maintained.  He or she shall ensure that all referees and linesmen are registered with the BC Hockey.

Publicity Director – Shall be responsible for all forms of publicity, posters, advertising, notices, and all meetings with the exception of Coordinators committee meetings.

Equipment Manager – Shall be responsible for all equipment owned by the Association, and shall ensure that all equipment is signed out using a sign out sheet in the equipment room.  Shall keep an inventory at all times to be presented at meetings upon request.  

Division Coordinators –  Each Division Coordinator shall have general responsibility for the organization of teams and scheduling of games in his/her division.  Each Division Coordinator shall ensure that each team coach and/or manager of teams within his/her division is aware of the policies of the Association and shall take the necessary steps to see that such policies are followed.  He or she shall be responsible to the Executive.  

Head Coach – The Head Coach shall work in conjunction with the Division Coordinator and shall institute and maintain a high caliber of coaching ability in all divisions.  It shall be the duty of the Head Coach to plan and supervise training programs for all coaches and players with the Association.  

Risk Manager – Shall report all accidents to the BC Hockey and file necessary claims.  He/she will be responsible to maintain adequate first-aid supplies.  Emergency procedures are contained in all HCSP binders.  He/she shall conduct a joint walk-around with Recreation Centre staff at the beginning of the year to identify any unsafe areas within the facility so that they can be remedied.  

Fundraiser – He/she shall coordinate all fundraisers for the Association (raffles, skate-a-thons, etc.)

Gaming Coordinator – Shall be responsible to ensure all Gaming rules are followed accordance with the Gaming Policy Enforcement Branch.

Part 4 – Positions Not on the Executive

1. The Executive shall appoint the following officers at the first General Meeting of the season or prior to start of the season for a period of one year: Coaches, Team Managers, HCSP, Two-Executive members for a Joint Committee.   2. To members shall be selected by the General Membership to sit on a Joint Committee. 3. These officers may be required to attend meetings of the Executive at the discretion of the President.  A person holding one of these positions may or may not also hold a position on the executive.  

Immediate past president – shall serve in an advisory capacity for the benefit of members of the executive at the discretion of the executive.  

Joint Committee – The Joint Committee shall be responsible for settling all disputes and grievances that may arise within the Association.  All decisions made by the Joint Committee shall be final.  The Joint committee shall abide by all by-laws set forth by the Association.

Coaches – All coaches shall be selected on a voluntary basis and shall be governed under the Association’s policies.  

Rep/Travel Team Coaches and Managers – shall work closely and directly with their respective division managers and shall be governed under the Association policies.